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Painting a ceiling: 7 Tips
Thinking of changing your home but don't know where to start? Painting a ceiling can be a great way to breathe new life into a room and make it look bright and fresh. With the right tips and tricks, painting a ceiling can become a relatively simple process. Here are some helpful ceiling painting tips to help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Prepare the surface: Before you even think about picking up the paintbrush, it's important to make sure the surface you're going to paint is clean and free of dust, dirt or cobwebs. Use a vacuum cleaner or damp cloth to get rid of any residue before you begin.
Protect your floors and furniture: Lay down cardboard, newspaper or plastic sheets to cover the floor and any furniture you don't want to get splattered.
Choose a quality paint: When it comes to ceiling painting, it pays to choose a high-quality paint that is specifically designed for ceilings. This type of paint is usually thicker and can better handle any drips or roller marks.

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