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Painting a door with oil paint: 4 Steps
Painting a door with oil paint will give a new look to any room door and apply it. If you're feeling unsure about how to paint your door with oil paint, keep reading for the basic steps to follow.

Prepare the door- The first step in painting a door with oil paint is to prepare it for the job. Start by removing all components such as knobs, hinges and locks. Then, using a putty knife, scrape off any old paint that may be chipped or flaking. Once you've cleaned and prepped the door, it's time to start the actual painting.
Prime the door- The next step is to prime the door. Priming is important because it helps the paint adhere to the surface and prevents any imperfections or inconsistencies from showing through the top coat. Make sure you use a high-quality oil-based primer and apply it in even strokes, making sure to cover any cracks or crevices. Allow the primer to dry completely before continuing.

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