Oil painting: How to renew the look of your cottage with a fresh coat of paint - Loypochrom
The summer holidays are slowly coming to an end. With it comes the time to say goodbye to those of us lucky enough to experience the relaxed country life. But being the owner of a second home, beyond the opportunity to escape from the stress and fast pace of everyday life, also has its responsibilities. Maintaining a cottage is a big deal. It needs cleaning and dusting every time you visit to get rid of the mold. It also needs painting at certain intervals. Especially summer cottages located near the sea, a very common phenomenon in our country, painting is a necessary process. How will we know when it's time to paint? When we see the walls worn out and the paint turning yellow, painting is an urgent matter.
If you have wooden walls, it's a good idea to clean the surfaces as best you can before you start painting. Remove any mold, dirt or soil left over from previous years.
After cleaning the wood, if it is still in a not so good condition, it is good to sand it. And don't forget to remove any dust left over from sanding the wood.
Don't forget to use masking tape for the corners of the wall to ensure that the paint is confined to the wall and not onto the windows
Don't forget to use sheets, bags or whatever you have available so that no paint is transferred to surfaces of your holiday home either inside or outside that you don't intend to paint.
Use a fine brush to paint more detailed and small areas such as the corners and edges of windows and a thicker roller for the main wall surface. Try not to put too much paint on your brush or roller and paint in the same direction as the texture of the wall.
Try as much as you can to keep the times recommended for the paint you will use. Often the paint we use on exterior walls hardens over the years to protect your cottage against various weather conditions so you may find it's best not to wait a long time before coating it.
Depending on the finish you want and if the new color you are painting with is different from the old one, you may find that 2 coats are not enough. Often when we have quite different colors as before and after like for example light green and deep burgundy 3 coats at least can give a much better result.
Now you have at your disposal a simple guide on how to paint your cottage with oil paintings. As you can see, painting is a very time-consuming process. The best solution if you do not have enough time at your disposal or confidence in your abilities to choose a series of specialists who will guarantee you the desired result
See also  Choosing Colors for House Painting

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