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Painting drywall can be a daunting task for many homeowners, but it is a necessary step in many home improvement projects. From a fresh coat of paint to accent an existing color or to completely change the look of a room, the right paint job can breathe new life into a wall.

The first step in painting a plastered wall is proper surface preparation. This means removing all the old paint, sanding the wall and repairing any holes or cracks.

Before you start painting a plastered wall, it is important to properly prepare the surface by removing any dirt or dust from the wall with a broom or vacuum cleaner. If there are stains, use a cleaner and a brush to remove them. Once the surface is clean, inspect the wall and make any necessary repairs. It is important to fill any cracks and holes with a patching material such as putty or joint compound to ensure a smooth finish. Once the wall is prepped, it's time to apply primer, which will provide a better surface for the paint to adhere to. After the primer has dried, it's time to start painting.

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