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4 Tips for Painting a Wall from Dark to Light
A very common question for painters is how easy it is to paint a wall from dark to light. The answer is that it can be a difficult task, but with the right tips and tricks, you can transform your space in no time.

Below are tips that break down the process of changing the color from dark to lighter. With these tips, you will definitely lose weight and not be afraid to make this change!

Choosing the right color. The first step in painting a wall that was dark and making it brighter is choosing the right color. The paint should be specially designed to cover dark colors. These are usually described as "high coverage" and are designed to successfully cover dark colors without creating streaks and an uneven finish.
Wall preparation. Before starting painting, it is important to properly prepare the wall. In these cases, professionals use a high-quality primer that has the ability to cover dark colors. This helps ensure you get the best results. If you are painting a wall that has a glossy finish, you should use a polish remover to remove any existing sheen or gloss.

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