Quality oil paintings can significantly improve your everyday life, as apart from the aesthetics they offer, they are also very important for your health. Good painting, especially in the interior of your house, removes the layers of moisture that have accumulated over the years and create problems for your breathing. Are you looking for an oil painting workshop in Athens? Below you will find the criteria you need to make sure you work with the right one!

Suitable workshop for oil painting Athens?-Loypochrom
Suitable workshop for oil painting Athens?-Loypochrom

What Are The Basic Procedures In Oil Paintings?

The oil paintings Athens have some basic procedures that are universal for all cases. First, oil painters begin by sanding the surfaces to be painted. Then a
process called priming. That primer comes from the word primers, which are special substrates and help to cover the wall evenly by the color of choice. Then depending on the type of wall you want them to be
you will also choose oil paintings appropriate colors for your case.

What are the main types of colors used in oil painting?

To them oil paintings relating to the interior must definitely use the so-called plastic paints. The plastics paints have as raw material various chemical derivatives of it of polyvinyl chloride, the well-known PVC The main feature that
have the plastic colors is that they have very good layering and they spread on the walls very easily. For exterior spaces, oil painting is done with acrylics colors. The basic chemical compound that acrylic paints are based on is styrene and its main property is that it displays a large resistance to adverse weather conditions.

What else should you pay attention to during the oil painting process?

During the oil painting process, you must also pay attention to some other elements, which are the following:

See also  Exterior painting by oil painters: 5 Advantages

1) The weather of the painting days: It is recommended to proceed with oil painting on days with sun and no humidity.

2) The colors you will choose: Beyond the type of colors you will choose, you must pay attention to the colors you will choose to go with your space.

3) The oil painting workshop you will choose: For the best quality oil painting in Athens, choose the best in the area here.

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