4 steps to the right exterior house painting-Loypochrom

While painting a wall is always done the same way, there are a few precautions you should take when working on exterior house painting. Exterior walls are subject to many climatic hazards. Therefore, it is necessary to use the correct dyeing method.

1. Painting house exterior: Choosing the right paint

The first step will be to choose a suitable color. Indeed, every outdoor structure is exposed to moisture, but also to pollution and wind. So your exterior paint needs to be extra tough! Acrylic paint will be used for a contemporary effect, provided the wall is perfectly flat.

2. Painting house exterior: Preparing the wall

Painting an exterior wall requires first and foremost to prepare the wall. The surface must be clean, flat and smooth to ensure full adhesion of your exterior paint. The preparation for house painting outside will necessarily go through the following steps: Wall cleaning, Stripping, Wall repair, Exterior protection.

3. House painting outside Don't forget the substrate

Once your wall is perfectly prepared, you will be able to apply the underlayment primer. This will allow you to paint the exterior wall more quickly, preventing it from absorbing layers of paint. To paint an exterior wall, it is best to use a roller. You will paint from top to bottom, applying the primer to the entire surface. Use a brush for
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paint corners and areas that cannot be reached with a roller.

4. Painting a house outside: Dyeing process

Once the undercoat is completely dry, you can finally start working on the exterior paint. For a perfect result, it is preferable to apply two layers of paint, always respecting the drying time. Always work from top to bottom, covering areas of approximately one meter, which you will overlap. To avoid visible marks when drying, try to paint each side of the exterior wall in one go. Likewise, avoid painting when there is too much sun. It is better to paint early in the morning or at the end of the day so that the paint has time to dry properly.

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